HUM-H332 — Don Quixote — Winter 2019–2020

This table shows what you should do for each classday; all work should be completed before the start of class on the date for which it’s listed. To put it another way, tests are listed on the day they will be given and assignments on the day they are due.

assignments for week seven
Monday, 27 January Reading Part Two, Chapters 5, 6, and the second chapter 6. (Note that in the original 1615 printing, the seventh chapter was labeled “chapter 6”, despite the fact that there was already a chapter 6. Thus the original numbering of these chapters goes …4,5,6,6,8,9…)
Reading Questions
• How are social class divisions portrayed in these chapters?
• Is Sancho different in these chapters? If so, how?
• How does the practice of communication and the linguistic concepts of signifier and signified come into play here?
• Why do you think Sansón Carrasco acts as he does in these chapters?
Tuesday, 28 January Reading Part Two, Chapters 8–11
Reading Questions
• The character don Quixote declares his desire to be famous on numerous occasions in Part One. In Part Two, it seems, he has become famous. How do you interpret the passages concerning fame in these chapters?
• The character don Quixote performs numerous transformations in the novel. How does Sancho deal with the obligation or opportunity to make transformations?
• How does the debate or dialogue Sancho has with himself compare to don Quixote's self-debate concerning Arms and Letters? What does this reveal about the characters?
• In what ways is the line between fiction and non-fiction blurred in chapter 11? Does this have anything to say about identity?
Additional Reading short poetic selections from Garcilaso, Góngora and Shakespeare
Thursday, 30 January Reading Part Two, Chapters 12–18
Reading Questions
• Why is Knight of the Mirrors a fitting name for that knight? What are the practical uses and symbol meanings of a mirror?
• In class we will discuss a literary precedent for the adventure with the Lions; in what way(s) do you interpret this adventure?
• Why do you think Quixote requests an affidavit from the Lion Keeper?
Report the baroque
Friday, 31 January Reading Part Two, Chapters 19–21
Reading Questions
• What story or stories from Part One does the tale of Camacho's wedding remind you of? How is it similar and how is it different?
• What motivates the actions of the various characters in the story?
• How would you describe the attitude between Don Quixote and Sancho in their dialogue that starts on the second part of page 656 of the Signet Classics printing (chapter 20)?
• Do you agree or disagree with Quixote's judgment and reasoning on page 663 of the Signet Classics printing (chapter 21), and why?