HUM-H332 — Don Quixote — Winter 2019–2020

This table shows what you should do for each classday; all work should be completed before the start of class on the date for which it’s listed. To put it another way, tests are listed on the day they will be given and assignments on the day they are due.

assignments for week four
Monday, 6 January Reading Part One, Chapters 30–31
Reading Questions
• When the Priest, the Barber, Dorotea and Cardenio all enact their story, how do they themselves deal with the inaccuracies or problems that crop up? How does the character don Quixote deal with such inaccuracies? Is there any sense in which these characters are like don Quixote?
• By the end of chapter 31 numerous characters previously mentioned in the novel have reappeared. How does this affect you as a reader and why?
• The character don Quixote must choose between what is, in essence, a real adventure and what we know to be an imaginary adventure. Why does he choose as he does?
• Today in class we will eat some of the very cheese don Quixote is eating in the today's chapters!
Report Theater during Spain's Siglo de oro
Tuesday, 7 January Reading Part One, Chapters 32–35
Reading Questions
• Up to this point in the book, what sorts of humor have you found in the Quixote? What has struck you as funny and why?
• Who reads, what, and why?
• In the inserted tale (The novella of El curioso impertinente [The Ill-Advised Curiosity]) how do the notions of honor and dishonor come into play?
• What concept of women emerges from the reasoning that Lotario uses to try to dissuade Anselmo?
Report Courtly love
Report The concept of honor in 16th and 17th century Spain
Project One is due today!
Thursday, 9 January Reading Part One, Chapters 36–38
Reading Questions
• In what way are plot conflicts resolved in these chapters and are any new ones introduced?
• In what ways can the concept of the Other (those excluded from or not fitting into society) be seen in these chapters?
• Debate, usually in the form of a dialogue, was often used in philosophical and other types of literature to advance or present various points of view. How do we see this literary tradition referenced in these chapters? Is it skewed or parodied in any way?
Report Debate in literature
Friday, 10 January Reading Part One, Chapters 39–41
Reading Questions
• How do these chapters connect to the previous events in the novel?
• What relationship can we find with the real-life author Cervantes and the Captive's tale?
• What observations can you make about communication, and modes of communication in these chapters?
• Do you find any logical flaws, inconsistencies or anomalies in the Captive's tale?
• There have been lots of disguising, costuming and cross-dressing already in the novel. What aspects of the Captive's tale show the crossing of borders, in the broadest sense, or even the straddling of borders?
• Looking at the tale from Zoraida/Maria's point of view, what do you see as her motivation(s) for acting as she does?
Report Piracy in the Mediterranean in the 16th and 17th centuries (Barbary Pirates)
Report Historical Fiction (note: this was not a prevalent literary genre at the time the Quixote was written)